Appendix A

Sutra Opening Verse:

An unsurpassed, penetrating, and perfect Dharma
Is rarely met with, even in one hundred, thousand, million kalpas.
Having it to see and listen to, to remember and accept,
I vow to taste the truth of the Tathagata's words.

Appendix B

Practice Questions

Who is Buddha? How is the Teacher manifested?
Who is the Tathagata?
What is our experience of the One Vehicle Teaching?
What is a Bodhisattva's practice?
How does a bodhisattva learn?
What is the experience of nirvana within samsara?
What does the non-difference of practice and enlightenment mean?
What is the factor of faith in practice?
What is the factor of joy in practice?
What is Buddha nature, "big mind"

Class Assignment

"Buddha-dharma cannot be known by a person. For this reason, since olden times no ordinary person has realized buddha-dharma, no practitioner of the Lesser Vehicles has mastered buddha-dharma. Because it is realized by buddhas alone, it is said, 'Only a buddha and a buddha can thoroughly master it.'" - Dogen Zenji

"If you think, 'I practice zazen,' that is a misunderstanding. Buddha practices zazen, not you. If you think, 'Buddha practices zazen,' there will not be trouble. Whether or not your zazen is painful or full of erroneous ideas, it is still Buddha's activity. There is no way to escape from Buddha's activity. Thus you must accept yourself and devote yourself to yourself, or to Buddha, or to zazen. When you become yourself, zazen becomes zazen, and Zen become Zen." Suzuki Roshi

Our ancestors, far and near, have described how to realize the Buddha Way. How can we express it in our own words, art or manner?